


English Pronunciation

English can be a very difficult language to speak correctly, as we do not pronounce words as they are spelled.
It is not a phonetic (fo-net-ik) language.
english pronunciation

English spelling and pronunciation is so complex because we borrow words from many different languages, which have their own spelling system.

This can be confusing and overwhelming for a second-language English speaker.

Improvement. Achievements. Communication

How can we improve your English pronunciation?

We provide audio modules to help you practice the English vowel sounds


We compare your mother-tongue consonants and tailor exercises to improve your pronounciation.

accents-speaking in public

We examine stress on syllables and the impact it has on meaning


We correct mispronunciations for example:

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  • Do you find that people battle to understand what you are saying in English?
  • Are you asked to repeat yourself a lot?
  • Would you rather keep quiet in a social setting for fear of having to explain yourself?
  • Has anyone ever ridiculed your pronunciation?

If any of these resonate with you then contact us.

Accent reduction


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